岗位长期稳定,由于Global暂无给到团队HC名额,如通过埃森哲面试,是人事外包性质 (通过埃森哲面试,劳动合同与外企德科签订),由外企德科负责人事部分事宜。
主要工作为Sales support,例如渠道合作伙伴管理,预算管理,流程管理,商务合同数据系统管理。
工作地点:居家办公,可能根据To B客户的情况去现场,非驻场,其他时间都是在家办公
Sales support and Service Management
- Will require to monitor training programs across suppliers and partners for effective demonstration of the clients products
- Track budgets for adherence to commitment to actuals
- Provide necessary reporting for the training status
- Enable renewal reports for different segements, territory, products, etc...
- Manage and maintain the customer and partner database and quota in the CRM
- Project scoping, solutioning and execution of the activities planned across partners and suppliers
- 3 Year of overall expereince with minimum 2 years in backend Sales Operations processes /Customer Service / Incident Management
- Customer Service Management, Incident Management, IT Help desk, Operations Management, Service Desk, Written and verbal communication
- Ability to establish strong client relationship, Ability to manage multiple stakeholders, Adaptable and flexible, Collaboration and interpersonal skills, Problem-solving skills
岗位长期稳定,由于Global暂无给到团队HC名额,如通过埃森哲面试,是人事外包性质 (通过埃森哲面试,劳动合同与外企德科签订),由外企德科负责人事部分事宜。
主要工作为Sales support,例如渠道合作伙伴管理,预算管理,流程管理,商务合同数据系统管理。
工作地点:居家办公,可能根据To B客户的情况去现场,非驻场,其他时间都是在家办公
Sales support and Service Management
- Will require to monitor training programs across suppliers and partners for effective demonstration of the clients products
- Track budgets for adherence to commitment to actuals
- Provide necessary reporting for the training status
- Enable renewal reports for different segements, territory, products, etc...
- Manage and maintain the customer and partner database and quota in the CRM
- Project scoping, solutioning and execution of the activities planned across partners and suppliers
- 3 Year of overall expereince with minimum 2 years in backend Sales Operations processes /Customer Service / Incident Management
- Customer Service Management, Incident Management, IT Help desk, Operations Management, Service Desk, Written and verbal communication
- Ability to establish strong client relationship, Ability to manage multiple stakeholders, Adaptable and flexible, Collaboration and interpersonal skills, Problem-solving skills